Saturday 13 February 2010

Valentines Day

For anyone fearing it, don't. I say embrace it i mean it may feel like this day is all a set up to haunt you and your fundamentally sad love life but i figure if you embrace the notion of love and not just its absence in your life upon that day then i guess it makes the day all that much more wonderful. This was my notion this morning as I arose to the whizzing of my fairly ineffective fan. So off i went to purchase eggs, flour, sugar and all the nessecary items along with red food colouring and sweets of the the "rouge couleure".

A disaster! my fairy cakes turned into cavernous biscuits....they formed a shape like that of an egg box, a mountainous sheet of sugarry snappery.

My to-be-victoria sponge was a flop- in every which way and on rising decided it was far too impatient so just belted out and covered the contents of our oven, I reitterate, covered!

Now normally I'd see this as a metaphor but instead me and Cat, my hilarious and wonderful new friend and flatmate, have planned round two already and with this we, together, will conquer Valentines Day as an investment in love. The fact that Cat informally asked me to marry her so we can share each others passports in neither here nor there. The love cake will be appearing soon........

Love Valentines Day dont hate the love, love the love whether its found you or not.

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