The only reason we do things or atleast the only reason I do things is for this totally intangeable ominous thing. Whatever I do, wherever I go I always feel like I'm on my way to it. Maybe, in fact, the life that I live in loves shadow is making me the doormat upon which he dusts off his feet.
I recently lost a friend. I wanted her to fight for our little love....our friend love....but she didnt.
I recently lost a friend. I wanted her to make a surprise picnic and play me all our favorite "us" music....but she didn't.
I recently lost a friend....I lost a friend cos she let me and my little love thing down.....and it sucks bum to be honest!
I love too hard and I think I might be suffocating it.
Illustrative photographs by Kerensa Purvis http://kerensapurvis.blogspot.com/
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