Ask anyone in my family I am obsessed with the colour naturelle of the orangutang. Oh yes. And how much do I dig ginger in the nodule herby form? (Pickled ginger to be precise) A heck of a lot!
My names is Ocki and I'm a gingerholic.
So this Saturday If I finally bite the bullet I'm going orange. Orange like Florence, orange like the rip off phone company. The history of my hair colour is brief, I was born brown. Had a terrible Sun-In-run-in at ten and went orange like straw, orange like sahara and then later on that year I decided pillar box red was the thing. So with a blue bottle of home product hair dye....I remember the smell of it exactly....I went red...well marroon.
Since then Ive gone from brown through to dark brown/black, yep it darkens every year and " No people! I'm not a goth, I did not dye it darker ". So....
"On Saturday Mathew, I'm going to be a Ginger nut"
Picture : Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine
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